Thursday 31 December 2009

Lift Off

It's new year eve or 31/01/2009!

I woke up at 14:45 have spend the 16 hours drinking on mostly an empty stomache.

So once I’ve chastised myself for drinking too much I will return and start blogging.

I think it was very important to capture this sad moment as I sit with an orange juice, dehydrated, and lifeless following 4 hours sleep.

Hopefully this first blog will be a constant reminder throughout 2010 that whilst the mind endeavours to drink the body is unable to!

I think I have drinking goggles; such goggles are a precursor to beer goggles, food goggles, foolish goggles or excuse goggles. However, I don’t recall sporting my beer goggles as I woke up alone. All my other goggles appear to be secured, so I didn’t make a fool of myself and therefore no excuses were required. Clearly this is great progress and whilst I sit here motionless I take encouragement from these points.

Final point, I thought today was New Years Day – I wish it was because now I’ll have to do it all over again. It’s a tough life for some isn’t it? Who said “self harm is no harm” – oh it was me, no wonder it sounds like complete gobbledygook.

I predict that tomorrow’s blog should be more of the same pointless gibberish as this one. I also predict a riot – I had to write that.

Why Project Mismanagement? I don’t know, I was trying to find a snappy, intelligent, memorable name and this was the best I could do. Other than the fact this is my chosen profession.

That's it - time to move.

Ps: When repeated typed the word goggles as googles – say no more hey about the expansion into the human genome by our search engine friends.